Overview of the Situation
A wireless audio manufacturer needed to understand customer opportunity, when locating a pop-up store in Central London. This was necessary to ensure effective marketing spend, not only on rent for the property but also to validate the level of investment needed to renovate the location and make it a destination for the brand in the period which included Black Friday and Christmas.
The Problem They Faced
The individual client contact needed robust evidence of the customer footfall within the targeted area to understand whether this location had a high potential for providing sufficient return on investment.
The Causes of the Problem
The issue for the client was that they understood the need and value of the work but didn’t have the skills or team structure to support delivering this themselves. Current suppliers to the company, within this area had offered to complete this activity but couldn’t provide sufficient evidence of their capability, despite presenting high-cost proposals.
The Impact of the Problem
This was a significant capital investment that the contact would be responsible for signing off, and an error in their judgment to choose a supplier who would fail to provide the correct intelligence would not only be costly to the company, but also to the business itself, both in terms of financial investment and missed PR opportunities.
The Promise / Plan
Having understood the initial reasoning for the activity, we focused on two key areas:
- To count number of potential customers passing through a specific location in central London to understand the volume of people that could be engaged with the brand messaging
- To establish the impact of several fashionable boutique outlets in the same location in terms of customer engagement, to establish penetration potential of the brand’s key customer demographic.
Our approach was split into three key tasks:
- To physically count all individuals, irrespective of age, gender, nationality, or purpose across five specific locations in one pedestrianised area
- To analyse this data by the criteria above, and segment by hour across an entire week (from 8am – 10pm each day)
- To provide structured results which presented the opportunity against the clients’ target market
By providing this range of solution, at a granular level, we would arm the client with enough marketing segmentation information and a truly independent view of the opportunity.
The OutcomE
For the project, we delivered:
- Insight on over 132k pedestrians counted over the seven days
- Measurement provided on total people count, gender split, age profile split and tourist percentage
- Full customer profile study on three nominated retail stores alongside total study (to assess customer profile match)
- Included one-off study on existing pop-up store customer penetration (as part of the response – outside of initial scope)
- A full insight-driven project for approximately 25% of the cost presented by the market
“We wanted to ensure that we were looking at a prime location for our pop-up store and needed physical verification of the size of the opportunity. What GainMore did was not only deliver to the brief, but also dug a lot deeper into the data which allowed us to be able to confidently see, at a global level, the opportunity for us, not only based on the numbers, but also through the insight of their findings.”